king kong

On Apr 27, 2018:

king kong replied to "Drug War" at 05:26 pm
posted by queencitybuckeye

I've heard the argument to "legalize it and tax it", but is this not simply substituting one government intrusion for another?

One intrusion costs taxpayers billions a year, the other doesn’t! L9l


king kong replied to "Drug War" at 04:27 pm
posted by justincredible

Welcome. And yes, completely ending the drug war is the only option that makes economic sense, imo. 

My old name was redstreakone, I came over during the great purge! Lol. My original email became locked so I signed up as King Kong!


Right now illegal drugs bring a zero net sum to the government, by legalizing it, now you have the money to properly oversee its distribution!  I live in a village of 2500, Piketon, you know that place where 8 people were executed and were involved in a very big marijuana grow operation! Lol. I haven’t partaken in any illicit drugs for many years, and I can guarantee you I could make 1phone call and find anything I want!

king kong replied to "Drug War" at 01:36 pm

Legalize everything, I see police, fire and squad responding to overdoses around here, spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars with ZERO money coming in to offset the costs!  Our county has doubled its funding of the county sheriff, meanwhile our infrastructure is crumbling around us!  They take a couple of dealers off the street, but the cost difference doesnt fiscally make sense to me!



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